nwn2 feat list. Contributor: Cr0ss135. nwn2 feat list

 Contributor: Cr0ss135nwn2 feat list  Duelists are most often

The only things left out are creatures (monsters, NPCs) and creature items. Download the override version and extract the files to your C:My DocumentsNeverwinter Nights 2override folder. Tested to work only with the 1. Combat Strike. Multiple dodge bonuses (different feats, racial bonuses). Riftway Travel. Rather than wearing bulky armor, a duelist feels the best way to protect himself is not to get hit at all. Version 1. Type of Feat: History. Combat Focus, 2 other Combat Form feats, WIS 13, BAB 15. EXTRA SLOT SPIRIT SHAMAN LEVEL3. A character with this feat is tougher than normal, gaining a +2 bonus to all Fortitude saving throws. com for NWN2 and all expansions. NWN2 Able Learner []. A character can gain immunity against certain effects, including poison, disease, damage, sneak attacks, critical hits, spells, and more. Specifics: At 1st level, the Eye of Gruumsh may grant a +2 morale bonus on Will saving throws to any nongood orcs or half-orcs with Hit Dice lower than his character level within 30 feet. Import Commands in the Options menu. When creating your characters, consider giving them different alignments, as the use of some of the items depends on your alignment. PRACTICED SPELLCASTER SPIRIT SHAMAN. I'll alphabetize it shortly. Enter the console command ConvertPortrait followed by the name of the image without the extension (e. ConvertPortrait my_pic). Copy the following files and folders from the a standard NWN2 install to a separate folder, keeping the same folder structure: Campaigns/Neverwinter Nights 2 Campaign*/Campaign. xml which has the updated feats list for PRC 3. 23 NWN2 Complete from GOG. Community. xml in case you run into problems. Also, do this as a Strength based Ranger, so you get big strength damage on those attacks. Specifics: Enemies do not get attacks of opportunity against the character when the character is moving around in. Acquiring feats. The ID number of the feat which follows this feat. Note: This feat has no effect if you have any fighter or weapon master levels. Subtype table means uint16_t: iprp_immuncost. Normally you require two points to raise a rank in a cross-class skill, so this effectively makes it as if you had the skill as a class skill - although it still retains the upper limit of skill with it. For this feat you'll need to travel to a House (#2) to the southwest of Crossroad Keep (#1) and play "hide-and-seek" (really, just seek) with three of Juen's halfling friends. Description: The divine champion is the strong right arm of their deity. He has 19 character levels. Level 18 means that you will still get the last stat change for. By applying these codes will help you to reduce the difficulty level in the game. Each target's speed is increased by 50% as well. Hit die: d6. . Language: All implemented game feats and spells in 2 easy spreadsheets. Note that taking DC levels at lvl21+ will promote the bonus feats to EPIC, allowing you to take a short list of epic feats including great wisdom. Type of Feat: Heritage Prerequisite: Fey Heritage. Ultimate Mod Pack for NWN2 OC? Thu, 2021-12-30 19:30 — rjshae. Control of the Baatezu lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1D8 + the Hellfire Warlock's class level + their Charisma bonus. In other words, at levels 24, 28, 32, 36, and 40. This article is a stub. Fighter bonus feats. n. b. As channelers of divine energy, clerics can affect undead creatures. ) and the . EPIC SPELL VAMPIRIC FEAST WARLOCK. Version 1. In this section I provide full descriptions, comparitive screenshots and recommendations for NWN2's in-game settings, allowing you to determine your personal balance between image quality and performance. Divine Champion is a prestige class in NWN2. NWN2 Tip This feat is highly recommended against concealed opponents and advisable to be taken as early as 5th ECL. Though paladins fill these roles in many good-aligned churchs, a divine champion can take up the banner of any deity, regardless of alignment or ethos. Armed Deflection. Bonus Feats: The epic ranger gains a bonus feat every three levels after 20th. This would already make a very powerful feat, but Spellcasting Prodigy also grants bonus spells as if the character's spellcasting ability score were 2 higher. ~ NWN2 LETO Update (Skills PLUS Feats) by Bdude ~ Here is and update for the LETO character editor to allow you to use the new feats and skills. Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. Welcome! This is my first builld guide for Neverwinter Nights: EE, focusing on making a combat machine. Humans should get this feat at level 3 while other class should get this feat at level 6. The best of the +2 races is the Drow, while the others are mostly mediocre. leto. NWN comparison [] The discipline skill that was created for NWN was removed in NWN2 and combat feats relating to it now function closer to 3. This contradicts the note in the Feat description itself. . A damage immunity effect protects against one of the 12 damage types: Slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, fire, cold, electrical, acid, sonic, divine,. There are two methods of entering commands. Benefit: For every 3 levels of Swashbuckler you have, your Dervish Dance bonus improves by +1 (maximum +5 bonus). 3 levels fighter. Base armor class: Is added to. This probability of missing a target is now effectively squared (reducing 50% to 25% and 10% to 1%). Nonlawful Alignment. Type of Feat: Special. Telthor Companion or Devoted Tracker, Natural Bond. UPDATE: Epic druids can cast in any form. Trying a new playthrough of NWN2 after 15 years (my CD drive came in handy for once!) I'm a Wood Elf, lvl8 Ranger, just took lvl1 Wizard last level-up so I could do Arcane Archer, but it's still grayed out. Don't go for dexterity in NWN, as long as you make a strength rogue it plays fine. A value of * is unlimited. 2da: Used to filter bad words from the random name generator (toolset also uses this for creature names). The format is just like a function. Make sure that you have that character targeted (by left clicking on them). Type ” DebugMode 1 ” (case-sensitive) to enable cheat mode. INSTALLATION: 1 - (If you have installed previous versions) Delete the Level_Cap_Increase folder found in NWN2 Complete/Override Installation Directory. Natural Spell only works in some shapes. Those are still in the game. Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir Walkthrough Welcome to our Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir walkthrough! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. Domain Special Abilities and Bonus Spells: • Negative Plane Avatar: Once per day, the cleric is able to summon a shadow that gains power as the cleric advances. Canary diamond. Type of feat General Prerequisite Int 13+, Combat Expertise Required for Class:Invisible Blade Specifics The Feint feat can be used to deny your opponent their DEX bonus to AC for a combat round. During the course of the campaign, you'll receive several feats based on your spirit-eating curse. A version of the druid's feat list is included that grants natural spell automatically, in order to prevent you from taking it by accident. Multiple dodge bonuses (different feats, racial bonuses) are cumulative. The exotic weapons list includes the bastard sword, dire mace, double axe, kama, katana, kukri, scythe, shuriken, and two-bladed sword. Any even number works well. Epic Ranger NWN. This Bard ain't so spoony. A Fighter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including ability score and base attack bonus minimums. Method 2: light server install. The following console commands can be used at any point during game play. Use: selected Added in the expansion packs. Covers attributes, races, skills, feats, combat styles, saving throws, cleric domains, familiars & companions, summoned creatures, shapeshifting and weapons. Benefit: As long as you have a air spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can attempt to knock a single creature within 30 feet back with a blast of wind. There's a myriad of colors that you won't see if you look at the world in two extremes. These powerful feats can be taken once a character has reached level 21+ and meets the pre-requisites. Hindering Blast: Identical to Draining Blast but uses a higher level spell slot. I've got "Point Blank Shot" and "Weapon Focus (Longbow)" in my feat list. (Used in creature CR calculations. rs ka_influence_set (gann,#) Set Kaelyn The Doves Influence. This would be useful if the Barbarian could spare another feat. If you. You can have up to one additional cohort (Storm of Zehir Campaign Only). This is the NWN2 version of the Super Fast Rest 2da modification. Good skills and feats NWN2 Im playing nwn2 for the first time though Im familiar with other dnd pc greats like baldurs gate 1 and 2. To create a wand, cast an appropriate spell on a bone wand in your inventory. They serve as a guardian of holy sites, a protector of pilgrims and a leader of crusades. Type of Feat: Epic. Fighter is better for multiclassing, but the Barb is a bit better when kept pure (there are only so many feats you can take as a Fighter). air - animal - death - destruction - earth - evil - fire - good - healing - knowledge - magic - plant - protection - strength - sun - travel - trickery - war - water Each domain gives a cleric access to a. Able learner is likely not on the bfeat list for the class. Storm of Zehir puts emphasis on skills. 0 - Initial Revision. Druid build. Required for: Whirlwind Attack. then in the console (push ~) and type 'setint 50'. I'm Kaedrin and I've been working on putting together new content for the community. dm_god. Gameplay Notes []. Type of Feat: Proficiency. Both are in Excel format and can be 'sorted. The Complete Craftsman greatly enhances the flexibility of the Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting system, especially the extended version (may contain bugs). See full list on nwn2. Activate at will. 2. If an animal companion is killed, it cannot be summoned again until the. Specifics: A character with this feat is adept at using light weapons subtly and effectively, allowing him to make melee attack rolls with his dexterity modifier instead of strength (if his dexterity is higher than his strength). All characters gain a feat at 1st level, at 3rd level, and every 3 levels thereafter (3, 6, 9, etc. Coldheart. All Base Installation Special Edition Mask of the Betrayer Storm of Zehir Mysteries of Westgate. EPIC WILD SHAPE MAGICAL BEAST. Installation: Neverwinter Nights (Base) Tower Shield Proficiency [ Feat Details] Feat ID: 1115. ) until level 18. Add specific number to Charisma. Add class spell book; Review. The MoTB campain allows one to easily create the most powerful weapons in the game. Feats are special features that give characters new capabilities or improve existing ones in the Neverwinter Nights 2 game. For 10 rounds +1 round for each additional combat feat you possess (Awareness, Vigor, Strike), you gain +2 will saves (+4 if you've all the combat feats). Type of Feat: Epic Prerequisites: 21st level, Dex 21, Int 13, Wis 15, Combat Expertise, Epic Prowess. The +1 adjustment races are mostly good (aasimar is one of the better ones). Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +1 or higher. Clerics who take the Destruction domain are. - Fighters are the most abundant tanks in the game. - General Feats Power Attack: This is a good buff to your damage when fighting two handed and only fighting two handed. Neverwinter Nights 2 has a ReadMe file that shows the License Agreement and updated information about the game. Maintaining Sorcerer's Place and a stable environment for all our hosted sites requires a substantial amount of our time and funds on a. So far I've done 4 base classes, 45 prestige classes, over 150 new spells, new and revised Domains for. For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, Crafting Guide by Offkorn. i think the feat has to be defined in cls_feat* and given a “List” value of 1 or 2, and “GrantedOnLevel” of whatever. NWN:EE. This is the cap if the player only has the base NWN2 game. Their martial skill is nearly the equal of the fighter, but they lack the latter's dedication to the craft of fighting. 0 and 3. Ok here is the complete(?) Feat list, thanks embers of satin. Deleting and undeleting pages, page histories, and uploaded files. Party Member Requirement: Listen 2 or Spot 2. Also improve the base crafting feats anyway, with Harper's getting the best crafting options (maybe some free items per day). Cheat Code. For the purpose of comparing equipped endgame character builds (usually for calculating damage), the following values for equipment can be assumed: All listed enchantments can be easily crafted, either by the main character or Safiya. Feats Required: Martial or Elf. Then type removefeat xxxx, where xxxx is the number of the feat you want to give up for the crafting feat. Silver Ring of Celestial Glory. Description: Rangers are skilled stalkers and hunters who make their home in the wilderness. Greetings. Features. then type. Ranger is a base class in NWN2. As with skills, there are a wide array of feats in Neverwinter Nights, and no character will be able to choose them all. Neverwinter Nights 2 Feat List (11-03-06) ===== This is just a simple list of all the feats in the game along with their corresponding number used for the "givefeat" console command. Type of feat: metamagic (general feat) Prerequisite: ability to cast 1st-level spellsRequired for: automatic silent spell Specifics: Silent spells are cast without a verbal component. and my Sorceror can take Eldritch Knight without having to take the XP punishment and spell progression of having a level of fighter. There are a. tlk it to add a number of custom things. Type of Feat: Reserve. The epic ranger is both a protector and a hunter and your powers reflect this. I tried to test dm_givegold 500. This replaces the bonuses from Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus. NWN2 Feat, Conscript Feat, Scout Feat, and 2 more. All Exotic Heavy Armor Light Armor Martial Medium Armor Simple Shields. Browse the list of feats by alphabetical order or by category, such as class, epic, general, instant, metamagic, monster, racial and more. It has returned in NWN2 for the same. NWN2: SoZ Interview #1; NWN2: SoZ Interview #2; NWN2: MoW Interview; NWN2: MotB Interview #1; NWN2: MotB Interview #2; NWN2: MoW Review; NWN2: SoZ Review; NWN2: MotB Review; NWN2 Review; NWN2 Interview #1; NWN2 Interview #2; NWN2 Interview #3; The Black Hound Q&A; Weapons & Armor Diary; NWN2 E3 2006 Preview; Media 6 Divine feats (under construction) 7 Crafting enchantment feats (under construction) 8 Skill Feats (under construction) Racial feats These feats are automatically granted based on race or subrace. Spirit Shaman 4. USESMAPFEATgivefeat #. The normal penalty of -6 to the primary hand and -10 to the off-hand becomes -4 for the primary hand and -4 for the off-hand. Download. hello all, Is there an item codes list for NWN:EE i can get a quick link to? Thank you. Requires: Caster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. Installation: Neverwinter Nights (Base) Weapon Proficiency (Bard) [ Feat Details] Feat ID: 1763. givexp [amount] Gives you 20 in every statistic. Weapon of Improved Life Stealing: Vampiric regeneration 3. 2da: Item Property Damage Immunity. All Barbarian Bard Cleric Druid Fighter Monk Paladin Ranger Rogue Sorcerer Warlock Wizard. Prerequisite: Dex 13+, Dodge, Mobility, base attack bonus +4 or higher. commands you want to paste in Neverwinter Nights. Data/2DA*. The giveitem console command gives any item in the 2DA file to the active character. Read (Ext. irolltwenties. These general feats can only be selected at character creation. Advanced ranks in this feat grant the rift traveler bonuses versus the many obstacles within the Riftway. Character Level Progression Table. 5 rules. In Complete Arcane it states that Epic fiendish Resilience if taken more then once will add an additional 5 Fast. Installation: Mask of the Betrayer. Type of Feat: Class. this hak + tlk will install PnP Epic Warlock Feats, some of the feats are slightly modified form PnP to allow them to be used in NWN2. Bonus feats: the epic rogue gains a bonus feat every four levels after 20th. And unlike in NWN1, these pure class bonus feats are *NOT* restricted to a list. Fighters have the best all-around fighting capabilities of the PC classes, and they are trained to use all standard weapons and armor. Type in DebugMode 1. Open the two . The first general feat is chosen at character creation, and additional ones are gained with every three character levels (levels 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33,. • The cleric gains access to the following spells at the specified spell level: phantasmal killer (4), power word kill (9). Cheats. 0 0 Alertness 1 null 2 armor prof Heavy 3 armor prof Light 4 armor prof Medium 5 null 6 cleave 7 combat casting 8 deflect arrows 9 disarm 10 dodge 11 empower spell 12 extend spell 13 13 extra turning 14 14 great fortitude 15 15 improved critical - club 16 16 improved disarm 17 17. While wearing medium or heavy armor they lose these benefits. xls is categorised by groups where as Spells. The command takes the item's material code from the 2DA file as the code to represent that item. Neverwinter Nights Spell Guide by asimpkins00. dm_unlockcamera. General feats are the feats gained every three character levels. The only spells that. Here you will see a dialog box, similar to chat. However there are a few cut feats that can be re-added and have hardcoded effects, and obviously new spell-like feats can be added (that basically activate a spells. Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) Type: All Classes. Fighter and Barbarian. They work just like the general feats do. Replace Lists. Spring Attack. ; Wizard Spell Progression; A Wizard casts Arcane spells, which are drawn from the Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List. Okay, back on track. Platinum Ring of Celestial Glory. Benefit: Ranks can be taken in cross-class skills at a cost of 1 skill point per rank taken. Contributor: Cr0ss135. Modules ; By drechner Neverwinter Nights 2 Feat List (11-03-06) ===== This is just a simple list of all the feats in the game along with their corresponding number used for the "givefeat" console command. "My hovercraft is full of eels!" - Hungarian tourist. September 2019. Otherwise fighter levels may not be particularly valuable, unless you need extra feats to qualify for a prestige class earlier. Even an inexperienced Cleric can bring people back from the brink of death, and an experienced Cleric can bring back people who have crossed over that brink. Once the console is open, you have to type DebugMode 1 to enable the commands. Devil's Sight: Doesn't do anything. Luck of Heroes. Open the console by pressing the tilde key (~). the game retype SetSTR. Then type givefeat xxxx, where xxxx is the number of the feat you want to give the guy. Tenacious Plague: Because of funky coding, can't hit the broad side of a barn. Specifics: This feat allows effective use of all exotic weapons. In SoZ, you can create your party of 4 characters and have a companion NPC join you from certain. Use: A silenced spell occupies a spell slot one level higher than normal. Creating a wand costs gold pieces based on the relative power of the spell. Learned From: Juen. Category page. 2da entry). To do this, type the desired command with "##" directly preceeding it. These bonus feats must be drawn from the feats noted as fighter bonus feats. Ninja 1. Code Feat 0 FEAT_ALERTNESS 1 DEL_FEAT_AMBIDEXTERITY 2 FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_HEAVY 3 FEAT_ARMOR_PROFICIENCY_LIGHT 4 FEAT_A. FEAT_EPIC_PERFECT_HEALTH 747 NWN2 Client Extension: This fixes a lot of crashes and bugs that may appear when playing NWN2 in moderns operative systems. The song affects all allies within 30 feet and lasts for 10 rounds. A vast selection of titles, DRM-free, with free goodies, and lots of pure customer love. Celestial Glory. Instead of merely hitting an enemy really hard, they hit an enemy where it really hurts. Prerequisites: 21st level, Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus in the chosen school, ability to cast 9th level spells. Numbered Feat Guide for Neverwinter Nights 2: Mask of the Betrayer by G Admiral Thrawn (Edward Collins) This is a list of feats copied from. Rangers are AWESOME in NWN2. This is a version of Lists. Militia: +2 Parry, +1 Craft Armor, +1 Craft Weapon, -2 Will Save, (Requires: BAB +1) Natural Leader: +1 to companions' attack rolls, -1 to your saving throws, (Requires: 10 or more Charisma. You can either get them via the givefeat code in the console (the number for the feats are 1764 and 1765) or by using Vordan's Hero Creator (talk to the imp and ask him to. Type of feat: general (available every three level-ups) Prerequisite: proficiency with the chosen weapon, base attack bonus +8Required for: overwhelming critical, devastating critical Specifics: Combat ability increases the critical threat range of a selected weapon by a range equal to the item's base threat range. Wands containing first level spells can cost a. You can only craft items for which you have recipes. 3. Devour Soul: Allows you to eat the soul of a living creature. xls is by class. iprp_feats. Welcome to our Neverwinter Nights 2 skills section! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. This feat allows the user access to the Riftway, a mysterious maze of planar gates that allow instant teleportation to many locations. Other modifications to the basic crafting system are available on the NWVault (suggested search: "nwn2 crafting"). Character influence . 2da file, a bunch of formatting options will appear. Specifics: The character gains a +3 bonus to the spell save DC for all spells they cast from the chosen school. Code. Yeah. 34kb. The bonus feats are in addition to the feats every character gains from character progression. Installation. Many people consider it a must-have, even if not making use of the custom content. List of Non-Epic Bonus Feats [] Blind-Fight; Combat. Please read this file to learn about changes made after this manual went to print. Specifics: Once per day, the Hellfire Warlock can randomly summon a powerful devil from the Nine Hells to fight for the party. 5. - The contents of the clipboard are shown in the status bar to simplify keeping track of the. This category provides a breakdown of all the common items that can be found in the Neverwinter Nights 2 universe. A Wizard must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time. The final recommended build then is the 1 Monk / 1 Fighter / 18 Druid, and of the Human race. The name of the feats are Merchant's Friend and Blessed of Waukeen. Below is a guide to some of the more powerful. A Cleric can turn. 7 AC (Armor), 6 Constitution, 30 SR, Feat: Blazing Aura, Fire Resistance 50/-, Cold Vulnerability 25%. Use: Selected. Level 1 , turn undead Domains []. EXTRA SLOT SPIRIT SHAMAN LEVEL0. Check the readme file in the BTH_WeaponPack folder of the override folder for the item file names. Deafened creatures are not affected by the bard's singing. You only get to do it in the last area of NWN2's OC because you never have to use another transition point. rs ka_influence_set (dove,#) Set Okkus Influence. Note that some of these may also be obtained by other means. Fighter 12. Note: Champions receive Weapon Focus Greatsword, Greataxe and Warmace feats at 4th Level Each weapon has it's own power critical feat, this is just a general description, see Standard Feat List for specific weapon details***Type of feat: class (given based on class levels) Prerequisite: ranger 1 Specifics: Rangers, when wearing light armor, get all the benefits of having the ambidexterity and two-weapon fighting feats. Torc of Celestial Glory (Amulet) 3. Bestow Life Force: Allows you to use your spirit energy to heal your party. Im having a hard time building companions and. tlk from C:Usersyour_nameDocumentsNeverwinter Nights 2. Epic Pale Master Bonus Feats List: Automatic Quicken Spell, Automatic Silent Spell, Automatic Still Spell, Energy Resistance, Epic Spell Focus, Epic Spell Penetration, Improved Combat Casting. Aurora Chain. EXTRA SLOT SPIRIT SHAMAN LEVEL1. First, you have to open the developer console by pressing the tilde key on your keyboard. Second, in the CLS_BFEAT_* 2da file you point to with the classes. g. When the Human Cleric reaches 5th level, the Aasimar Paladin will be 4th level, the Drow Wizard will be 3rd level, and the Deep gnome Rogue will just be obtaining level 2, each with exactly 10,000 experience points. Explore. That'll give you a list of the feats. Also de "Rogue Familiar" feat (it was created exclusively for Kaji) allows the pixie to simply click the trap or lock and start operating on it instead of having to search in. Use: Automatic, though a condition that negates a Dexterity bonus to AC also negates any dodge bonuses. Edit. rar. Favored Souls, apart from a select few spells, aren't really suited for offensive spellcasting. When you enter the debug mode, type in the codes below to set your companions influence. These are the feats that can be selected by a fighter whenever that class qualifies for a bonus feat (level 1 and every even class level thereafter. Baldur's Gate: Reloaded is a fan-made tribute to and complete remake of Baldur's Gate (1998), orginally developed by BioWare and published by Interplay Enterainment, for Neverwinter Nights 2. Sorcerer/Wizard Spell List: Wizards share the same spell list as Sorcerers. The original classes are "based" on D&D classes from different source books, but I took the freedom to modify certain aspects that I'm unable to recreate in NWN2. They're definitely more along the lines of healers and buffers. Heavier armor provides more protection, but also weigh more and will trouble arcane spellcasters and characters with a high dexterity score. Use: selected This. Druid isn't a bad class, but it gets hurt badly by having a horrible spell list in NWN. For the stalwart community interested in Neverwinter Nights (NWN), its sequel Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2), or Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (NWN:EE). Type of feat: special (general feat) Prerequisite: fighter, base attack bonus +4, weapon focus (chosen weapon)Required for: epic weapon specialization Specifics: A character with this feat has trained especially hard with a specific weapon type, and gains a +2 damage bonus when using these weapons in combat. NWN Console Commands saves you having to look up,. Hide in Plain Sight add at some later level (NWN2 used level 8) Harper Scout. This is my favourite topic. Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting Recipes Game Version: 1. Use Automatic This feat works even if obtained by a Cohort in the Storm of Zehir campaign. It's an alternative launcher, it's installed in the game folder. Bear King's Enduring Spirit [ Feat Details] Feat ID: 1904. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews.